Friday, March 20, 2020

Hi everyone! I am working on getting my videos ready for my YouTube channel, Mrs. Azhar's Art Class. I hope you have subscribed! New videos will be posted daily for the art lessons I am hoping to teach. At this time the most important thing to do is to be safe and stay home. These videos and this blog are important tools for us to communicate. Please comment! I am going to post a video this weekend to ask for project ideas and drawings you would like to see me teach.  Stay tuned!

Thank you for reading this blog!

Mrs. Azhar


  1. Please keep the conversation going!

  2. Hi I am adiba I want to learn an echo drawing

  3.'s adria. Can you teach us how to draw anime?

  4. Hi ms.Azhar, I also want to learn how to draw anime too. Can you teach me plz ?

  5. Hello Mrs. Azhar!! Zani and Fidan here.

  6. hi this is aleena from class 3-213 i want to learn how to draw nature plz teach me thank you
